Broome Angling


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   There were horrendous conditions throughout the day as swim became like a mud bath by the end of the session.

jc35 jc36

At least I managed four on the bank and missed three. Biggest 9lb 5oz.

jc37 jc38

In the end it was worth being the only nutter on Jurassic in the conditions. One caught on sardine, two on mackerel tail and one on a joey mackerel .




I spent Thursday night, and all day Friday on Jurassic. Not even a sign of a bite through the night.  

Then 6am, a couple of beeps on the alarm and bobbin just rising and falling…. obviously a bream lol!! 

Weighing in at 5lb 3oz and took a 15mm sticky bait Krill Boilie. At least it saved a blank as not a sign of anything else through the day either.


Caught on a session at BJ's Lake. Weighing in at 15lb 15oz and caught on a 12mm pellet





Caught this afternoon (23/12/20) on Jurassic and weighing 15lb 8oz. Unfortunately I must apologise as not a good picture as I didn't notice the mud it picked up on its tail from unhooking mat as I picked it up for pic. Jim Toltan didn't either who arrived just as I hooked it. It was like a mud bath all around but it was well worth the effort braving the conditions with another two smaller ones on the bank. It took a large smelt and went off like a rocket! 






Caught today (20/6/20) on BJ's and the last bite of the day! a nice plump female weighing 4lb 7oz and caught on 2chickpeas and a sweetcorn.



jc30 jc29


Two prestine common carp, both caught on BJ's yesterday (31/8/19). The first at 14lb 10oz and the second 13lb on the nose. Both caught in the margins on a 2 chickpea and 4 sweetcorn on the hair.


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