Smiggies Lake
The newest of the lakes on the Frisby Complex. Smiggies Lake is, primarily, a silver fish lake. It
has a good head of Bream in the 3-4lb bracket and, after recent stocking, a good head of smaller
Skimmer Bream and Tench around 4-6 inch. You will also find plenty of Roach, Rudd, Gudgeon and even
the odd Carp attacking your bait! The new fish were stocked in late 2009 and, hopefully, they will be
gaining weight and filling nets once the warmer weather comes along. Smiggies Lake is about 20 meters wide
and it lends itself to a variety of methods, with Pole, Feeder and Waggler proving the most
What's in a Name?
Smiggies Lake was named after current Broome A.S.
President/Chairman/Secretary Alan Smith (who says that men can't multi-task )
We have Kev Nicholls to thank for this atmospheric picture of Smiggies Lake taken on
30th June 2023

A view of Smiggies Lake under construction
Looking like a Lunar Landscape

A view of the "Luner Landscape" (above) after the vegetation has had a chance to establish
itself....A little more pleasing on the eye.

Its amazing what nature can do when left to its own devices!