Stanbury Collection

Had another couple of fish out yesterday (8/3/19). Fished for an hour and half before the bad
winds and rain hit. But still managed a couple of fish off the surface. A cracking 12lb 2oz Ghostie (top), and a
14lb 8oz Common.
I had another good hit of Fish from Jurassic recently

Fished for a
few hours after finishing work on two separate occasions, taking fish up to 18lb

Had a lovely
few doubles on the next visit up to 15lb 8oz (pictured above), again all coming off the

have just got back from a great days sport at the Broome complex today (24/2/19). I caught seven fish from two
of the lakes on the complex.
Starting with a cracking 15lb
12oz Ghostie from Jurassic lake (above).

I then went on to catch
a further six fish from Jasons lake, after moving over there in the afternoon for a few hours. The smallest fish
being 9lb and the biggest 13lb 8oz.

of the fish were caught on the surface using dog biscuits as bait and freebies.
cannot remember having that much fun, surface fishing in February. Ever.
Can’t wait to get back and
have a few more red letter sessions.