Broome Angling


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ll11 ll12


ll08 ll09

Some more recent catches by Leigh....all from Meadow Lane



I was night fishing with Razvan Cirlogea at Meadow Lane and this 2lb 8oz Roach took a sweetcorn bait intended for Carp. I got a run at 2.30am and was attached to this huge Roach. It was weighed twice and witnessed by Razvan and is a P.B.


  I had this 28lb Carp loaded with spawn from Meadow Lane last Friday a new PB fully scaled mirror. It was witnessed by another member and also got some video footage putting the stunner back.

ll06 ll05

 It was caught on a piece of pepperami and a dog biscuit, snowman style, popped up fished in the margins.


 ll03 ll04

  The other fish are a 15lb common carp a 23lb mirror carp and a 21lb mirror carp 4 fish for the season so far.




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