The Dangers of Floating Pennywort
First published 27/5/2010
We would like to thank Broome AS Member Ian Johnson, who works for the environment
agency, for supplying us with this article about the dangers of Floating Pennywort.

As many of you are probably aware non native
FLOATING PENNYWORT has been a problem on much of the Soar (including
Rothley) for several years. In conjunction with Leicester City
Council and British Waterways the Environment Agency has implemented an action plan to try and control it’s
spread and impact along the Soar and connected rivers. However it
is still present in the Soar and is very good at colonising new
areas because even the smallest fragments can establish themselves
if they have roots.

During the summer
individual plants can grow by up to 20cm a day leading to the large beds of Floating Pennywort seen along the
river in late summer.