Broome Angling





Pike League 19/1/25





Round Four 

Many thanks to Pete Felstead for providing us with the Pike Match Report


Match 4 of the 2024/2025 season was delayed a week due to the cold spell, that saw most still water iced over for consecutive days. So even though the conditions on the 19th forecast a dry day.

190125pl01 190125pl02

 Unfortunately the water clarity resembled that of a strong hot chocolate after flooding and ice melt!

There was a good turn out with Steve (Tom’s friend) fishing for the first time in our Pike matches.  A total 12 of us fished. 


I couldn’t stay on Jurassic for long as the water clarity didn’t give me any confidence as a lure only fishermen, so I wasn’t sure of the rundown of catches this time. So, here’s the final tally of the day 

1st Jason Farmery 7lb 8oz and 6lb 12oz = 14lb 4oz 

2nd Jamie Fergusson 4lb 6oz and 2lb 5oz = 6lb 11oz 

3rd Tom Kent 5lb 2oz 

4th Steve Robo 2lb 12oz

No others caught. 



